The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Many friends and family members asked us to do a blog, so we created one.
We want to journal this chapter of our life and rather than maintaining information in multiple locations, this blog is serving as our personal journal. We are happy to share our personal journal with you. Please keep in mind, since the blog is our personal memory keeper, the type of content and level of detail in the blog may be more than you are interested in. In which case, you can check out our general highlight posts on Facebook and Instagram.
You can “subscribe” to our blog and then you will receive emails that contain each new post (including the photos). That way you won’t miss any posts and you don’t have to remember the last post you read. It’s an easy process. At the end of any post, click in the comment box and make a comment (or if you don’t have a comment, type “don’t publish” and we won’t). Then complete the Name and Email address fields. Check the box “Notify me of new posts by email.” Click on “Post Comment” (which acts as a submit button).
We welcome your comments (it helps us feel connected!). And please share travel tips and insights with us.
Mike and Sandy