Author: Sandy
Hooray for Personal Growth
Reading Time: 4 minutesThe day started with me whining because the alarm went off at 4:45 am. I typically don’t sleep well the night before an early morning travel day and last night was no exception. I am working on viewing travel days with a joyful mindset. Rather than being filled with dread (about rolling… Read more
Nepal Observations
Reading Time: 8 minutesOur path around Nepal Read more
Kathmandu Observations
Reading Time: 3 minutes Read more
Solo Time for Sandy in Pokhara
Reading Time: 6 minutesThe first thing we saw in the morning when we opened the curtains in our apartment were seven monkeys sitting on the roof of the building next to us, all facing us in a row and staring at us!!! By the time I got my phone, they had shifted from their perfect… Read more
Bhutan Observations
Reading Time: 12 minutesOur most important goal is the peace and happiness of our people and the security and sovereignty of the nation. Throughout my reign I will never rule you as a King. I will protect you as a parent, care for you as a brother and serve you as a son. I… Read more
Haa Valley
Reading Time: 10 minutesFrom the moment that our dear family member, Donna Day, shared the details of her 2012 trip to Bhutan, I knew I wanted to visit the country. Bhutan has been the #1 country I have wanted to visit for 12 years. It is surreal to be here. It is everything I imagined… Read more
Off to the Jungle We Go!
Reading Time: 9 minutesOn Thursday, September 19th, we woke up at 4:00 am to start our great adventure that Sarah booked for the three of us in Chitwan National Park. We left the apartment at 6:15 am and took a taxi to the “sofa bus” that would drive us over six hours to Sauraha. The… Read more
Mongolia Observations
Reading Time: 12 minutesOur path around Mongolia Read more
Two Nights Apart
Reading Time: 11 minutesWe took the city bus to the bike trail, that runs along the river, to run four miles on Tuesday, August 27th. I ran 3 of the miles straight and walked/ran the remaining mile (I have been low on physical energy, and I think it’s because so much of my energy is… Read more
25% is Absolutely Amazing, 50% is Good Enough to Good, and 25% is a HUGE Challenge for Me
Reading Time: 13 minutesOn Wednesday, August 7th, we left our hotel at 7 am and walked to the Dragon Bus Station to catch our 14-hour bus ride to Murun. Although these long-distance bus trips may last more than 20 hours, the buses are not equipped with bathrooms. The buses stop so passengers can get a… Read more