Home for the Holidays
Reading Time: 2 minutesWe are back with a journal update as we are ready to start year number two on this nomadic journey. We’ve been in the States…
Nepal Observations
Reading Time: 8 minutesOur path around Nepal
Kathmandu Observations
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Headed Home for the Holidays
Reading Time: 3 minutesOur last morning (Wednesday) in Nepal was spent getting packed, having bananas and oatmeal at home and then walking down to Avocado Café for lunch.…
Finishing Our Time in Nepal
Reading Time: 7 minutesLast Wednesday, we moved from Bhaktapur back to our apartment in Kathmandu for our last week in Nepal. Breakfast was great again at Hotel Traditional…
Bhaktapur Maintains Its Medieval Charm
Reading Time: 6 minutesSunday provided us with another moving day. Of interest, we moved to our 55th location (place of sleeping is how I will define that) since…
Our Journal
Reading Time: < 1 minute