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Recipes of favorite dishes on our journey.


Chicken Tagine – this is a dish we had numerous times during our time spent in Morocco. It reached a point where we didn’t want to order it anymore, but sometimes it was what was served to us and then we’d remember how much we enjoyed it. We also had versions that included beef, mutton, fish, or vegetables instead of chicken.


Tsuivan – Sandy’s favorite dish in Mongolia; here is a bonus video made at a restaurant chain we visited in Ulaanbaatar – we don’t have the cooking vessel they use in this video, so that is why this is a bonus video

Khuushuur – the best Khuushuur we had was at the Naadam Festival, but we enjoyed this dish several times

Buuz – very similar to Khuushuur, but steamed instead of fried; Ulaanbaatar has a restaurant chain called Khan Buuz that specializes in this one


Daal Bhat – the national dish of Nepal; our friend, Dikesh, likes to eat this twice a day – the saying goes “Daal Bhat Power, 24 hour”

Momos – this dish is Nepal’s version of Buuz in Mongolia


Ema Datshi – this one can be very spicy depending on how many peppers and the types of peppers you add – super delicious, though!

Hoentey – Sandy’s favorite dish in Bhutan; she loves buckwheat flour!