Category: Madrid

  • We’ll Be Back, Madrid

    Reading Time: 6 minutesIt’s our last night in Madrid and we’ve just had a fantastic time here.  Hopefully once the Depeche tour is over we will slow our pace down a little bit but for now, we are trying to see and do the highlights of these great cities with the compressed time we have. … Read more

  • Our Weekend in Madrid

    Reading Time: 4 minutesWe found a gym on Friday that was close to the apartment that offered day passes.  However, the office hours the receptionist gave us were different on Saturday so when we showed up to work out the office was closed.  We decided to do a 4-mile cardio walk instead around our neighborhood… Read more

  • A “Home” Day in Madrid

    Reading Time: 2 minutesOur first full day in our new home of Spain!  Moving and unpacking is much easier with only our small carry-on bags and back packs (thank goodness we don’t have to move all the things we had to when we sold our house in Sarasota…I’m still exhausted!).  There is a butcher shop… Read more