General Italy Observations

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Reading Time: 2 minutes
  • We couldn’t figure out how to regulate our heating in our two apartments so that it was consistently comfortable.  We read that using heat in Italy is controlled by regional regulations for centralized systems.  Residents with autonomous heating should also abide by the rules but have a bit more leeway.  Not only is the switch-on date regulated, but also the temperature and number of hours per day the radiators can operate.  Radiators are supposed to be switched off from 11 pm to 5 am and be kept at a maximum 66 F.  These regulations were put in place due to the economic crisis and the Russia/Ukraine conflict (which impacted energy prices in Italy).
  • Super fun to watch Sex and the City dubbed in Italian!  They nailed it – the voices, inflection, and timing were spot on! 
  • Just tap your credit card on the card reader inside the bus and metro to pay…no need to buy tickets.
  • They tend to own larger dog breeds than in Spain.
  • Restaurants typically didn’t have WIFI (unlike Spain).
  • Lots of itty bitty 1- or 2-person seat cars.
  • The traditional Easter cake (shaped like a dove), Colomba, is available in every bakery and grocery store for Easter.  It comes in all kinds of varieties and the one we tried (given to us from our Airbnb host) was delicious. 
  • Drivers are not as considerate or respectful of pedestrians as Spain drivers.  People drive faster on city streets and beep their horns more than in Spain. 
  • If I lived in Italy I am afraid that I may gorge myself to death eating the amazing pizza, pasta, Gelato, and wine! 

Additional observations that apply everywhere we’ve been in Europe so far:

  • The Monday after Easter is a holiday.
  • It’s great when we travel by bus and train as we aren’t limited by the volume of our luggage and we can easily bring left over groceries to our next apartment. 
  • 1 Euro = $1.10
  • Need to cut your own pizzas in restaurants.
  • Pay money to use public bathrooms (typically 1 Euro).
  • Takes me a second when looking at a date to remember it is day/month/year.
  • In general, men seem to be more engaged with childcare. 
  • Starbucks food is higher quality and better variety than in the States. 
  • The European Union started Nutri-Score system to simplify nutritional information on the front of food packaging to help consumers choose healthy foods.  Packaging has a rating A – E. 
  • Clothing prices are displayed with the clothes in the window.  They have tiny automated mannequins to easily display multiple outfits. 
  • Venues have beer vendors who carry beer kegs on their back and fill glasses.

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2 responses to “General Italy Observations”

  1. Sue Sobzack Avatar
    Sue Sobzack

    That was a great, informative post! Couple of questions: 1) Did you freeze at night when you couldn’t have it any warmer than 66 degrees?
    2) Looking at the picture of the clothing store window, is the length of men’s dress trousers the new fashion, and do they wear their shirts untucked with their suits?

    1. Sandy Avatar

      1.) Nope – we like it cooler when we sleep…66 degrees is actually a good temperature for us sleeping. We had extra blankets, if we needed them.

      2.) Whatever you saw in the store window is the latest fashion trends. I don’t remember seeing anyone wearing that style of clothing on the streets.